Friday, August 20, 2010

Unrequited love - Getting over someone who is your BF? (Also in Dating/singles)?

I am having a hard time because I am in love with my Best friend, who wants to just remain best friends with me. He said that although he loved me, he wasnt in love with me. He thought we were going to be together forever. He also says that its not cos Im not attractive or anything, because he thinks I am attractive but he says I am too high maintainance and although he puts up with it all the time, if we were going out he'd have no life of his own.

I can understand this, but then he says although he is happy on his own, that one day he may be open to having a relationship, as long as I know it will never be with me.

The thing is that I just can't stand being around him because I love him entirely. I know that if he ever got a partner I would be heartbroken, hell I am already heartbroken.

He also said he never wanted to lose me, another reason for not going out but actually we have argued about the whole thing so much, basically cos I feel really ashamed and humiliated at even falling for him so consequentially we arn't even talking properly and we both agree we don't know where to go from here.

I know this is all my fault but I don't know what to do. Can you really stay that close with someone when you know deep down that he will probably end up being with someone else and also how do you get rid of these horrible feelings (especially when we are still close) cos at the moment I never even want to hear the word Love ever again cos I just can't shake these feelings that I must be unloveable.

Any help gratefully accepted.Unrequited love - Getting over someone who is your BF? (Also in Dating/singles)?
He's acting really cruel if you ask me. You need someone better than that. If he finds someone else just remember the way he treated you and he's going to treat that person the exact same way. But please, don't find someone else until you're completely over him and trying to make him jealous never helps anything.Unrequited love - Getting over someone who is your BF? (Also in Dating/singles)?
wow im sorry this is a really difficult situation ur in but if this guy just doesnt want to be in a relation ship w u bcuz he doesnt want to ruin ur friendship, u have to tell him that its worth the risk u never no until u try and if u dnt end up together just remember that everything happens for a reason and maybe god doesnt want u to be with this guy

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