Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How do you convince your best friend that she needs to dump her drug abusing boyfriend?

My best friend is an 18 year old who has recently discovered her freedom. Since graduation she moved out of her parents house and started hanging out with addicts. A few months ago she told me that her worried mother had her car searched. The police supposedly found a crack pipe (supposedly she didn't know that they were smoking crack) and several guns with missing serial numbers. The officer gave her a second chance. She then moved back in with her parents and got a restraining order against this boy. I was told that if she was seen with him again she would end up in prison. Two days ago I called her phone, only to find out that she has moved back out after getting back together with her boyfriend. She has completely changed. She has alienated her family by getting cought in lies and destroying the car that her parents let her use. She tells me that she can not help who she falls in love with. What can I do to convince her that she is wrong?How do you convince your best friend that she needs to dump her drug abusing boyfriend?
Tell her if he really loved her back, he wouldnt leave incriminating items in her car. She can go to jail for being with him in a car when he is picked up with drugs or guns. Appeal to her sense of not wanting to go to jail and get raped by her cell mate with a table leg. Prison women love young things.How do you convince your best friend that she needs to dump her drug abusing boyfriend?
Tell her she is going to lose your friendship if she continues to see him. Remind her that you are not forcing her to choose between you, but tell her you don't feel safe or comfortable being around her when she is seeing him.

Also, you can always wait till u know they're together, then call the cops to say you saw him going there and you know there's a restraining order in place. Tell her afterwards that you did it and you did it because she is your friend and you love her. If she refuses to listen, and her parents are not having luck getting through then you have to let it go ... she will only hinder your safety and peace of mind with her actions, even inadvertantly...

OMG. Wow! That must be a very difficult situaiton to be in. I imagine that you are very young also. Has the restraining order been dropped?! It may be sad but if it hasn't then maybe calling it in and her getting arrested may be the best thing to snap her from this. I'm sorry to hear about this- please go talk to a professional
there is nothing you can do ....she has to figure it out on her me i was the same way once and finally figured it out on my own even though i had friends and family tell me things for years
You should tell her what the consequences are. Here are some you can use:

1.He mite bribe her to use drugs

2.If she use drugs tell her what will happen to her


Just follow your heart and tell her why she should dump him. Tell her why.

Hope my tip works
well she might get mad at you and say your just jealous, you know that shes with him so much now...but in the long run you have to do anything you can to keep her from him, if its leading her down the wrong path and she could end up doing stupid drugs like Crack or Coke or like Heroin you need to keep her from that ****...if shes doing life destructing things you need to help her. she might think shes in love but if he loves her he would do things to get her in trouble or arrested. i really hope everything works out for you
She needs to fall in love with herself enough to get professional help meaning therapy and rehab or narcanon, or all three. In the meantime, find your own passion and talent and move upward and onward. Give her a good role model, and let her know that after she gets help you will be there for her.
shes hooked on crack too get her stoned all day every day
I am sorry but my experiance with this says there is no way you can convince her to stay away from this guy. It is just something she has to figure out on her own. You sound like a good friend and I know you are worried but all you can really do is pray to your higher power on her behalf and hope for the best.

You can make suggestions to her but it is up to her to take your advice and it sounds like she has decided for herself to stay. and not listen to you. and like I said there is nothing you can really do.
Do an Intervention. Get together every member of her family whom she trusts or respects. Add any friends to the mix of relative. Don't use More than 8 people. Sit her down in a neutral environment, not her place or that of a relative. Lock the door. Then each one of you tell her that you love and respect her but her actions are detrimental to both her well being and yours as well. Do not give her any ultimatums, just tell her of your feelings for her and her actions.

Then all get up and leave. Let her alone for the next 48 hours and see if the intervention worked. Some people need time to digest personal issues and information provided. Give her some time, don't call her. Wait for her to call you. If not, then remember, your life is very important to you and those who love you. If continuing your relationship with her under her current circumstances will be detrimental to your well being, then walk away. We are not responsible for the actions of those we love..

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